SBP Proposal - ViteTI - 5th proposal (7.08.19)

  • Fellow Viters,

    ViteTI is proud to compete for the SBP proposal (SBP Ecosystem Incentive Plan).

    ViteTI will share with you our recent developments:

    • Community SBP:
      👊 We published this week a paper Understand Vite, in order to "educate" our voters on what is Vite, and to summarize important metrics investors must understand. As it is a part of our job to help people understand our service and for what we are working for. (cf. General)

    • Marketing:
      👊A new WhaleBot is now available on Twitter ( The bot tracks all the 200k+ transactions. You can follow the bot with the cashtag $Vite or the hashtag #WhaleBot.

    • Distribution:
      The distribution is now fixed at 70% of our earnings, and at 85% for our top 3 voters. Consult payouts at:

    • Social Media:
      Find ViteTI on our social media:
      Vite official forum:
      e-Mail: [email protected]

    • Thanks:
      Big thanks to our Viters who trust us with their votes since our launch.
      Warm thanks to our top3 voters, you are a big part of our success.
      Congrats to the Vitelabs team for all the work done!


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