Vite Labs Leadership AMA (Dec 9, 2020) - Post your questions here!

  • Q. What kind of strategy will Vite use to attract more businesses and investors into the Vite ecosystem?
    Q. Vite has a relatively long roadmap, how do you think this will affect Vite compared to your competitors? Can Vite keep up with the growth of the cryptocurrency market?
    Q. Who is VITE's main competitor? What are the strengths of VITE compared to other projects?
    Q. You have some similarities with NANO, do you have any other important advantages besides performing smart contracts?
    Q. A more general idea of what port operators do in Vite?
    Q. Will ViteX be available as a mobile app of its own? Difficulties encountered when building ViteX applications?

  • . In the context of annual inflation of 3%, Vite did not bid on strategies to increase consumption and burn Vite tokens. Will there be combustion and consumption strategies related to technology in the future?
    Q. How will Vite attract developers to build on the Vite ecosystem?
    Q. DeFi is a concept that was mentioned a lot recently when blockchain projects started building protocols and applications to support DeFi. How is the strategy of building and developing protocols and applications to support DeFi?
    Q. How is VX different from VITE?
    Q. What is the advantage of holding between VITE? What is VITE's strategy for long-term investors?
    Q. What is your favorite thing about ViteX? What are the highlights of ViteX?
    Q. With blockchain, partnerships are an indispensable component in the development of a project. What kind of partnership has VITE achieved and what are the plans on this front moving forward?

  • Q. What is Snapshot chain technology? How to solve DAG security hole?
    Q. DeFi brings many benefits to users, but conflicts of interest with the Bank. What is the solution of #VITE?
    Q. What is the difference between Vite's Solidity ++ and Ethereum's Solideum?
    Q. How can we prevent money laundering for example for mining purposes and what are the gaps we may have considered when building ViteX?
    Q. What are the highlights of Solidity ++ (VITE) Vite compared to Solidity (Ethereum)?

  • why vitex was not able to list popular defi products eg yfi , serum , sushi, cream etc? Serum exchange volume is because of these defi products only.
    vitex withdrawal fees is higher compared to other dexs and also best new projects are not listed on vitex. If someone want to buy other projects coins with dividend why to pay high fees, as team not listing projects that giving good returns .
    why waiting for Binance listing. Project need dual listing why not trying bithumb, huobi, kucoin, okex, coinex
    team 10% token from daily mining + team mining vx from staked vites . But why not spending on marketing? Upto when we can expect vx listing

  • How vitex is thinking to tackle liquidity problem ? Only few vite , vx, eth , BTC pairs have liquidity.
    Most of pairs have no liquidity, is it possible to add liquidity pool in vitex ?? Problem of liquidity can be solved by liquidity pools.

  • What long-term plans do you have to give VITE usability?, Which I consider to be the one we should focus on the most, since VX was born as a currency of value from the beginning by having as its main function in addition to the stake in vitex, being used as a currency to generate dividends since VX by itself already has an assured place, while VITE its value at the moment is to mine VX but once the 8 years have passed (approximate time that the mining will last) after that, if We don't give VITE a value, it would just be one more coin, so the main focus should be on VITE. (of course without putting VX into oblivion)

  • Which specific about strategy of VITE that make you believe it will be successful project and what does a plan do to attract more users in the future?

  • What benefits will Vite Labs deliver to the ecosystem and the community?

  • Why do you choose to name your project as Vite Labs what is the mean of this? Where does this name derived and any for inspiration behind the name of the project?

  • How is Vite different from Coti?

    Why should we Vote Vite over Coti & what are the Advantages of Vite over Coti?

    What is the current situation of your project & What is the Current Progress of Vite?

  • Q1. What’s the main differences between Ethereums solidity and other blockchains when comparing to Vite’s solidity?

    Q2. What are the advantages of the HDPOS consensus mechanism that VITE uses. What is it different from POS, BFT?

    Q3. What is the SBP reward? 200M vite locked after 2 years will be unlocked. So next time, if Vite develops well and is stable, are you going to burn coins to increase Vite value?

  • @Richard_Yan

    Hi, my question is:
    Do you plan to make possible integration with other DeFi exchanges, such as Uniswap, allowing you to share their liquidity pools.

  • Since inception of VITE to the current state, many actors around the ecosystem have been changed a lot. So as a exchange, what will be your prime focus for mass adoption?

  • Great project. Thanks for been so near To community.

    𝐌𝐲 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 :

    What will be different for ViteX, once vite 2.0 launched? Can we expect higher TPS? So api performance will be supper fast?

    𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 2
    any plans to reduce staking period time( waiting period)? Or make it more flexible.

    -retrieve in one day pay %of amount to be retrieved

    -3 days free retrieving

  • Vite team was launching a coin for USA city, I think that was syra coin, what is progress in that? Why taking much time in digitizing a city? Or announcement was made with government authority approval ?

  • in total cap, in terms of volume , in terms of number of users where vite team see vite ecosystem & vitex in next 5 years ?

  • Team doing great efforts in making vitex success, but vx dropped 5000 Satoshi (1.1.2020) to below 1000 Satoshi in an year, more than -80% . What are the mistakes that team made in 2020 if any, how team will improve that mistakes in future , plans for that ?

  • Q1. VITE Foundation recently concluded its developers program, meant to incentivize teams and developers to build the Vite Ecosystem. When will the next batch of developer's program roll out and what requirements are to be met? Can any community member apply?

    Q2. (a) I read that the Vite Foundation provided grants for the just concluded Incentivized Developer's Program. In which other areas does VITE Foundation provide funds and grants to support Vite Ecosystem?

    (b) Also, how do you determine the needs of the VITE ecosystem and choose projects that can meet these needs?

  • 60% apy with staking vx is very high, after this much returns why vx not able to attract traders ? What are the reasons for this according to team & how team will proceed in future to attract traders & adaption of vitex.

    Vitex attracted stakers because of 60% Apy. Apy must be decreased to 20% so that people use vitex for trading not just for staking. Higher vx price also better market making rewards, which help to solve liquidity problem on vitex. It's just my point of view which will help to increase trading of vx , help to solve liquidity problem

  • What’s the main differences between Ethereums solidity and other blockchains when comparing to Vite’s solidity?

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