Vite Labs Leadership AMA (Dec 9, 2020) - Post your questions here!

  • Team doing great efforts in making vitex success, but vx dropped 5000 Satoshi (1.1.2020) to below 1000 Satoshi in an year, more than -80% . What are the mistakes that team made in 2020 if any, how team will improve that mistakes in future , plans for that ?

  • Q1. VITE Foundation recently concluded its developers program, meant to incentivize teams and developers to build the Vite Ecosystem. When will the next batch of developer's program roll out and what requirements are to be met? Can any community member apply?

    Q2. (a) I read that the Vite Foundation provided grants for the just concluded Incentivized Developer's Program. In which other areas does VITE Foundation provide funds and grants to support Vite Ecosystem?

    (b) Also, how do you determine the needs of the VITE ecosystem and choose projects that can meet these needs?

  • 60% apy with staking vx is very high, after this much returns why vx not able to attract traders ? What are the reasons for this according to team & how team will proceed in future to attract traders & adaption of vitex.

    Vitex attracted stakers because of 60% Apy. Apy must be decreased to 20% so that people use vitex for trading not just for staking. Higher vx price also better market making rewards, which help to solve liquidity problem on vitex. It's just my point of view which will help to increase trading of vx , help to solve liquidity problem

  • What’s the main differences between Ethereums solidity and other blockchains when comparing to Vite’s solidity?

  • Could you briefly describe Vite current and Future community growth strategies as we all know that community is an integral part of any successful project?

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  • What Vite's project are you most excited about and why?

  • You are doing Ama’s in many groups Russian and English & almost answering same types of questions again n again? How do You feel about it?

    What role community can play in Vite Labs? How these AMA’s are helping in adoption?

    Do you have any Bug Bounty to check for vulnerabilities on your platform?

  • What are the 2021 plans for ViteX exchange? How will ViteX stand out when VX token is introduced and added to other exchanges that will tell people how it is better that other decentralized exchanges?

  • Is it possible for Vite to find a Partner to expand ViteX exchange or be added to MakerDao like loopring as collateral options?

  • What can we expect to see from VITE in the short-term (at some point in 2020 and 2021) and beyond (long-term goals)?

  • One of the AMA telegrams mentioned negotiations with one of the US senators. How are the negotiations progressing? When are we tokenizing Washington?

  • I really love all the features that your exchange has and use almost all of them. Please tell us when the release of the new roadmap is Vite 2.0.

  • You have a voting system for community members to join on board. I would like to learn what they should do to keep their seats? Do they have same vote rights like others?

  • With growth of many dex's and over 90% of the projects are on wherein, how do you compete or stay relevant?

  • Which area does Vite focus on at the moment? (DeFi, Dapps,Stake, Yield Farming..)

  • How do $VITE and $VX Token affect each other? What are the main use two tokens in Vite ecosystem?

  • Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the security that we must put to our cryptocurrencies, and one of the things that is said is that if we do not have our private keys then it is not safe so the best known exchanges do not provide us with that security.
    Now we can say that vite wallet, if it is, because we have private keys and also it is incorporated with your vitex exchange?

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