using tinymcs wysiwig editor
i would like to use tinymce editor in a framework7 & vite project of mine. the problem is, that the include urls are not correct after bundling.
i checked tinymcs dos and they have a config file for rollup that should correct thes urls. i tried to uses them but they have no affect.
import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import path from 'path'; import framework7 from 'rollup-plugin-framework7'; import postcss from 'rollup-plugin-postcss'; import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs'; import { nodeResolve } from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'; const SRC_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, './src'); const PUBLIC_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, './public'); const BUILD_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, './www',); export default defineConfig ({ plugins: [ framework7({ emitCss: false }), nodeResolve(), commonjs(), postcss({ include: "**/skin.css", inject: false, extract: true }), postcss({ include: "**/content.css", inject: false, extract: false }) ], root: SRC_DIR, base: '', publicDir: PUBLIC_DIR, build: { outDir: BUILD_DIR, assetsInlineLimit: 0, emptyOutDir: true, rollupOptions: { treeshake: false, input: { main: path.resolve(__dirname, SRC_DIR, 'app/index.html'), nested: path.resolve(__dirname, SRC_DIR, 'admin/index.html') } }, sourcemap: 'inline', }, resolve: { alias: { '@': SRC_DIR, }, }, server: { host: true, }, esbuild: { jsxFactory: '$jsx', jsxFragment: '"Fragment"', }, define: { global: "window", }, });
i get the following error:
GET http://localhost:3000/admin//models/dom/model.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) Failed to load model: dom from url models/dom/model.js
As you can see the url is not pointing to the bundle, it should be in assets. At the moment i dont think it is the bundle at all. My question is why cant i just use the rollup plugins command to do this as described here. i have imported it in my site exactly like described in howto but it has no effect.
i also tried to use ckeditor but couldn't get that working either. i get the error:
Error: "export 'default' (imported as 'ClassicEditor') was not found in '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic'
the most promising article to this problem is here but they dont have any solution yet either.
so i am at a bit of a lose what to do, can anyone help me with either or sugest a wysiwig editor that can be bundled by vite. i need text formating (size, color & styles), orientation, tables, images and embed youtube (nice to have).
Hello, you can load the model directly. I also imported a language pack without issues.
/* Import TinyMCE */ import tinymce from 'tinymce'; /* Default icons are required for TinyMCE 5.3 or above */ import 'tinymce/icons/default'; /* A theme is also required */ import 'tinymce/themes/silver'; /* Import the skin */ import 'tinymce/skins/ui/oxide/skin.css'; /* Import plugins */ // import 'tinymce/plugins/advlist'; // import 'tinymce/plugins/code'; // import 'tinymce/plugins/emoticons'; // import 'tinymce/plugins/emoticons/js/emojis'; import 'tinymce/plugins/image'; import 'tinymce/plugins/lists'; import 'tinymce/plugins/table'; /* Import premium plugins */ /* NOTE: Download separately and add these to /src/plugins */ /* import './plugins/checklist/plugin'; */ /* import './plugins/powerpaste/plugin'; */ /* import './plugins/powerpaste/js/wordimport'; */ /* Import content css - will be built into css file */ import skinUiCss from 'tinymce/skins/ui/oxide/skin.css'; import contentUiCss from 'tinymce/skins/ui/oxide/content.css'; import contentCss from 'tinymce/skins/content/default/content.css'; import 'tinymce/models/dom'; import './tinymce/langs/fr_FR.js'; window.tinymce = tinymce;
Then on wanted pages I import the script and the css like so (using Laravel helpers but whatever, it works the same without) and I init the editor :
<script src="{{ Vite::asset('resources/js/tinymce.js') }}"></script> @vite('resources/js/tinymce.css') <script> tinymce.init({ selector: 'textarea.richEditor', menubar: false, height : "90%", plugins: 'table lists', toolbar: 'undo redo | blocks | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright | indent outdent | bullist numlist | table', language: 'fr_FR', skin: false, content_css: false, }); </script>
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